Wow! Has it really been that long since I last blogged?! Where has the time gone? As you can probably guess or maybe experience for yourself, life gets a little hectic with 2 toddlers, teaching first grade and the many other "hats" we wear!
If your students are like mine, this time of year begins the tattling. Ugh! I found a book I am going to read to my class this week and thought I would share it with you. It is called, "A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue" by Julia Cook.
This wonderful book is about a boy who tattles all the time. Other students begin to not want to sit with him in the cafeteria, play with him on the playground, or be his friend. One night he has a dream that he really did come down with a disease called "tattle tongue" which turned his tongue yellow with purple spots. The tattle fairy taught him the difference between a tattle and warning someone of danger. The tattle fairy teaches him some rules about tattling to use the next time he wants to tattle.
This book is very well written and gives some good guidelines for kids to follow when it comes to warning vs. tattling.
I also want to share the exciting news that I have finished my Morning Work packet for the second nine weeks. It is Common Core aligned. You can find it at my TpT store. This packet picks up right where the first nine weeks leaves off. I am very excited about how it turned out. In the coming weeks, I will be working on the 3rd nine weeks packet. My students have done well with the first packet and have really learned from the content and practice.
Click here to check out this packet.
I will try to blog more often and get you some pictures of things my kiddos are doing. Have a super week!